WWU's defense was outstanding all weekend, as they allowed only 34 points in six games. Oregon's defense was equally as good, and in fact they came into the final having shut out four straight opponents, including San Jose State in the semifinal (31-0).
Western defeated Iowa State 38-12 in their semi.
WWU 7s Roster: 1. Max Stone (C), 2. Kyle Peter, 3. Eli Ashmann, 4. Jack Martin, 5. Liam Herring, 6. Ned O'Brian, 7. Nathan Mathis, 8. Oliver Kelleher, 9. Andreas Solaronzo Jones, 10. Harry Moore, 11.Charlie Funk, 12. Brett Ebert, 13. Peter Nourse, 14. Ethan Grassley, 15. Steven Locke
Iowa State defeated San Jose State for 3rd, while Stanford capped off a very good weekend for them, beating Sam Houston State for 5th. UT San Antonio took 7th over Iowa, while Texas State took 9th over the NCRC Selects.
The original article can be viewed on Goff Rugby Report at: https://www.goffrugbyreport.com/news/western-washington-wins-craa-d1aa-7s